About LIZA

Meet the Founder
‘Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us go back and visit the brothers in all the towns where we preached the Word of the Lord and see how they are doing.” Acts 15:36.
The Apostle Paul here is highlighting the importance of reviewing our work to ensure that we stick to our vision and achieve our goal. Paul and Barnabas had faithfully labored to preach the Word of God, which resulted in conversions and planting of new churches. Now he desired to visit the towns where they had worked, and see how the churches were doing.
We, too, as the Leadership Institute of Zambia, faithfully followed what God put in our hearts in pursuit of our six ministry focus areas. The Lord provided the resources for the ministry in the year under review through our partners. We were delighted to host Brian Maydew and Pastor Carrie Johnson, who represented our international partners.
It was our joy to travel with them around the country to show them some of the projects they supported. It is important to note that everything we have done has been made possible with the faithful support of our partners, and we are greatly indebted to them for their continued, love, trust and support. Indeed, their support keeps our ministry wheels rolling.
We distributed medical supplies and equipment to Kanyama Self-help Health Post in Kanyama, Lusaka; Mtendere Hospital in Chirundu; Jembo Rural Health Centre in Pemba; Siachitema Rural Health Centre in Kalomo District, and Zimba Hospital in Zimba. In the education sector, we supported Zimba Mission College of Nursing and Midwifery, Zimba district, Zimba; Pilgrim Wesleyan Bible College,
Pemba district; 16 grant-aided and four Government schools with supplies and infrastructure development.
It was our privilege to support two orphanages, namely: New Day Orphanage in Mapanza, Choma and Children’s Nest Orphanage in Choma. In Kanyama Township and surrounding areas, we supported orphans and vulnerable children in primary and secondary schools. It was our joy also to provide scholarships to college and university students in our Educating Future Leaders project.
In our Economic Empowerment project, we supported four pastors and four lay people with financial support towards their agricultural projects.
Sadly, we lost our accountant Boyd Musozya, who faithfully served under our project. Boyd was a gift to the body of Christ, diligently serving our ministry. At his funeral, we became aware of other churches and faith-based organisations he had served faithfully. Let us remember his widow and three young
Due to strategic ministry realignment, we rebranded from International Leadership Institute of Southern Africa (ILISA) to Leadership Institute of Zambia (LIZA). A replacement certificate from PACRA was issued on 29 November, 2023. Interestingly, and by sheer stroke of chance, this is also my birthday.
I’m glad to update you on what we were able to achieve as LIZA in 2023, and invite you to share in our thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness in providing the resources we needed, through our various partners.
Alfred Kalembo
Chief Executive Officer.
Official Opening of the NextGen Worship Center
Organization Geographical Coverage Areas
Currently, LIZA has trained leaders in Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Northern, Southern and Western Provinces of Zambia. ILISA has also trained leaders in Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. Our aim is to extend to Angola, Mozambique, Lesotho and Namibia. At the national conference held in Ndola, Zambia 16 leaders of leaders from Nigeria were trained including Senator David Jang of Plateau State, former governor of Plateau State and his wife were trained. Alumni from Nigeria have taken to Benin Republic